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We are always open to submissions of articles written by McGill medical and dental students. Submissions must be original and have not been previously published, nor is it being considered by another journal or blog. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.


Writers are welcome to submit their piece in either English or French. Submissions with multiple authors will have authors listed in alphabetical order by last name. Writers can choose to have their submissions published with their name and affiliations anonymized. Authors of Expressions articles will be encouraged to provide a 2-3 sentence abstract of their piece.


The audience of the articles is the McGill medical and dental student body, faculty, as well as the general public. Thus, it is important to write the article in a manner that is clear, coherent, and understandable to individuals who have had no previous exposure to the field and research discussed.


Writers are encouraged to keep professionalism in mind when submitting contributions as this blog is a public platform. This blog will also be moderated with submissions reviewed by editorial staff before publishing. 


Please read the guidelines below prior to submission. When uploading your file onto our submissions form, please also upload any relevant picture(s) if you wish to do so (pictures will be used in the body of the text or as the cover picture)




Student-led events and initiatives

Humans of Mcgill medicine & dentistry

Diversity of current medical and dental students


Unique voices, expressions and talents

Student Life

Student Life

The Student Life article aims to celebrate McGill medical and dental student-led events and initiatives.


In addition to an overview of the event/initiative, the writer should also request some relevant pictures, remarks, thoughts from the planning team and/or event attendees. The article should also discuss the impact of the event/initiative.


Note: The writer should not be writing about their own event/initiative. Instead, an event/initiative’s planning team is encouraged to contact our writers team by email if they wish to be featured in an article. 

The article should take a reportorial style by taking an objective and non-opinionated voice as well as citing perspectives, quotations and reflections from others.

Humans of McGill Medicine & Dentistry

Through a series of interviews, this section aims to showcase the diversity of stories, backgrounds, and medical education journeys of current McGill medical and dental students.

If you are interested in being featured, please send an email to or fill out our submission form. You will be requested to submit a headshot (.JPEG/.PNG) and will either complete a semi-structured virtual interview or provide us with your written responses to our standardized list of questions


Expressions pieces aim to critically address and let students express their educated opinions on current issues in topics including but not limited to health, science, politics, and arts. This category also highlights the unique voices, expressions and talents of medical students through personal reflections, poetry, visual art and creative writing.


Moreover, Resonance welcome any submission focused on your hobbies, passions as well as your clinical (ex: LFME, TCP, clerkship, etc.) and/or medical and dental school experiences. This article format is also a great opportunity to share any words of wisdom with the younger years or future medical and dental students.


This platform intends to share your narratives, express your thoughts and showcase your prowess in writing!​

Minimum word count

500 words for long prose or at least 5 lines for poetry



In-text citations and reference lists if needed should be in Vancouver Citation style. In-text citations involves use of numbers in parentheses that refer to a reference list at the end of the article. 


Additional resources that were not referenced in-text may also be included as references in the reference list. When possible, authors are expected to reference only peer-reviewed journal articles. Authors are reminded that the majority of their citations must be primary research articles (rather than reviews).


Please refer to this guide for more details on Vancouver style referencing and this link for McGill's citation guide.

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