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What are some potential questions that I may be asked during my Humans of McGill Medicine and Dentistry interview? 

Below are some of the questions we ask during the interview. ​There might be additional questions asked that are not listed below depending on your specific situation. You can always refuse to answer any question you do not feel comfortable with.


  • Describe yourself in one sentence. 
  • Tell us about your journey to med school.

  • If you had a superpower, what would it be? 

  • If you had a magic wand with one wish to change this world, what would you wish for? 

  • What has been your most impactful or memorable experience since starting medical school? 

  • What is something little known about you? 

  • What is one experience that you have had that you feel others can learn from?

What steps will be taken to best ensure that the selection process for Humans of McGill Medicine and Dentistry is equitable?

​Humans are encouraged to self-elect to be featured and interviewees will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Submissions will be encouraged by advertising in the class Facebook groups.


Students in all cohorts are encouraged to fill out a nomination form to nominate their peers. Nominees will then be contacted and asked for their interest in being interviewed. Each interviewed Human will also have the chance to nominate 1-2 peers following their interview.


In a situation where there have been no self-nominations nor peer nominations for Humans of McGill Medicine and Dentistry, we will choose to amplify the story of an individual with a background (i.e. General: Medicine, Dentistry; Years: I-IV, Educational Background: Med-P, Undergrad, Masters, PhD, MDCM-PhD) previously underrepresented by our blog. 

If you have additional questions not answered above,
please do not hesitate to let us know!

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